About Expeditions

Freya's Unique Expeditions

For many years I specialized in travel advertising so I have a tourism background professionally as well as personally. I am particularly interested in cultural adventures, meeting locals and cultivating my many friendships abroad. I have developed a well-connected professional network that guarantees a unique and memorable adventure. 


I specialize in sending small groups to Morocco, concentrating on a number of areas of interest: architecture, music, crafts, including beads, textiles and pottery. Jewish history may also be explored while visiting ancient synagogues and cemeteries.





West Africa

I have traveled throughout West Africa with the Museum for African Art and would be pleased to arrange a custom cultural tour to Ghana, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso, Togo or Benin. Visit tribal areas and witness amazing festivals. 



 If you would like to visit Exotic Morocco or Fascinating West Africa, please click on Contact and fill out the form. I will contact you to further explore your exciting travel adventure.